Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sarahs Dr. Update, And Hospital Tour

Lets start off with Sarah's Doctor visit today.
It took a little longer than usual today cause they had to do the baby stress test thing. I didn't go back for that, but afterwards Sarah told me that little miss Elah didn't stop moving the whole time.
The nurse had her lay down on her back and told her to let her know when she felt Elah move.
Sarah told the lady that she wouldn't feel her on her back and the nurse asked why. Then Sarah told her about only being able to feel her when she is laying on her side. So the nurse recorded her doing both.
First she had Sarah lay on her back for a while, and guess what....... she didn't feel a thing, but the nurse recorded Elah moving a lot. So the nurse asked her to turn on her side and sure enough, Sarah felt every bit of it. After they took her back to a room, the nurse came and got me.
This check up was pretty much the same as every other, only they did a few test on her, I forget what they called them. And they checked to see if she was dilated yet.
She is one centimeter dilated. I thought it was cool cause the Midwife said she could put a finger in her cervix and could even feel Elahs head!
The visit was really good, Elah is really healthy, Sarah is really healthy, and everything is ready to go pretty much. After this Saturday, it will only be a matter of time before she goes into labor.
I guess when God says its time, it will be time..
Sarah now has to go every week to her apointments, well, twice a week, one for her check up, and stess test, then again later in the week for a follow up stress test.

Okay, now, the hospital tour.
After we left the doctors office, we had an hour to kill so went to Target for a while and found Elah a pair of red pants for her Christmas outfit if she is born before Christmas, and we picked up a few essentials. Then we headed over to the hospital. They told us to be there AT 5:20 so of course we were early, so we sit inside for a while. It was absolutely freezing, cause every time someone walked through the doors the cold wind would blow in.
5:20 came around and no tour guide..... 5:30 came, and still no tour guide...... Finally about 5:40 or so, she showed up. And can you guess who it was?????
THE CRAZY PERKY LADY from the childbirth class AHHHHHHHHHHH!
And of course Sarah starts laughing.

Anyways she took us to the labor and delivery floor first, and showed us one of the rooms we will be in..
As she was telling us about everything that went on, the realization of this whole situation really hit me. I'm like,"Wow, this is actually happening, I'm actually gonna be a Daddy in just a few short weeks." At that point a wave of fear washed over me, then a HUGE wave of excitement hit me and washed away the fear. She then showed us the, I guess its the recovery floor. She showed us one of the rooms there also, and boy I'm not looking forward to sleeping on that wimpy couch thing.
That was our day, and it just made me more anxious and excited than I already am.
I can't wait to meet my little Elah.

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