Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Need A Happy Pill.....

We are dwindling down the last weeks of Sarah's pregnancy, and I have to say its probably been the longest weeks of the entire nine months.
I'm beginning to find myself a little more on edge now. Every little thing now is making me jump. Now I know how my Dad was feeling when my Mom was pregnant with me.
The other day Sarah called me while I was at work cause she wanted me to take her to her parents house on my lunch break. Of course I didn't know that cause I can't answer my phone at work. The first time she called, it was kinda early in the morning before the time she usually wakes up, so that kinda put me on edge, and I started thinking," What if shes gone into labor". I kept thinking that I sure hope shes not cause Elah would be premature. Then my phone started vibrating again, then my nerves really went all to pieces.
I went on my break and called her back and asked her if everything was ok and she said" Yea I'm fine, I just want to go to Moms for a while"............. Whew! what a relief.
I came home and picked her up, and on our way to her parents I told her," If you want anything besides telling me your in labor, text me next time, cause it felt like my heart jumped into my throat when you called".
And now every time she says she has a stomach ache or any kind of cramp what so ever, I jump!
She is 36 weeks today, one more week and she will be considered full term. So I could very well meet my daughter within the next few weeks, which is exciting and absolutely terrifying at the same time.

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