Friday, December 31, 2010

Photo Movie I Made

I thought this song fit perfectly.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Little Sweet Pea

Well, to start off I'm gonna go all the way back to, I guess it was between 7:00 and 7:30 December 27th.
That day Sarah was determined to have Elah, so she decided to look up the acupressure points that help induce labor.
We found them so I took some lotion and rubbed her feet real good and around the pressure point, then I messaged the pressure points on her back.
We really didn't think it would do anything, so I layed down and went to sleep so I could get up the next morning for work. I had been asleep for I guess about an hour or hour and a half when I hear,"BABE!"
I jumped up startled then I heard again,"BABE! MY WATER JUST BROKE!!!!!!" So I jumped outta bed, threw my jeans and  my shirt on, and ran to my phone to call Janelle. After I got off the phone, Sarah had already got her clothes on and she even got her shoes on by herself.
We were ready to walk out the door when the midwife called. She said just to stay home and labor until her contractions was unbearable and if her contractions don't start, to go ahead and come on to the hospital at 10:00 the next morning. Talk about a Bummer. This was about 10:30pm.
Janelle came on over anyways, though I felt bad cause we wasn't going anywhere. 12:00am came and Sarah wasn't feeling anything. 2:00 came and still nothing so we decided to at least try to get some sleep.
I offered them the bed, but they wouldn't take it, so I got the bed.
I layed down and couldn't go back to sleep. But finally I dosed off and managed to get at least 3 hours of sleep, but I kept waking up.
Finally I got up about 5:30 and Sarah was already awake but of course no contractions.
I helped her take a nice warm shower and we all got ready and went to Sarah's parents so her mom could braid her hair so it would be out of the way.
We were gonna go by McDonald's to get some breakfast, but they were closed, because of the ice on the roads they opened late.
So we went on to her parents. We got there and Sarah, Janelle, and Stephannie talked while me and Joe watched the news.
The sun came up and Me and Janelle went back to Mickey D's to get some food. I regret getting the large coke to.
10:00am finally came and we made our way to the hospital so they could speed her labor up a bit. On the way there that large coke hit me, and I had to pee something terrible.
On the way to the hospital my nerves was all screwed up, and the excitement hit me. Not a good combination if you really have to pee.
We finally got there and went inside, and the first place I went was the bathroom..... It was heavenly.....
Anyways, we went up to the labor and delivery floor and had her checked in.
Before we were put in a room, they had to check her to make sure her water did break and that she was ready to have our little angel. And of course she was.
We were in there for about thirty minutes or so and Dolly checked to see how dilated she was, and she was 3.5cm, and was still not feeling a thing.
They took us back to her room, and she got lucky cause she got one with the hot tub, so she was happy about that.
They started her on pitocin to speed her up a bit, and for about the first two hours she didn't feel anything other than small backaches like she had been feeling all night. We all just sit there and watched Hoarders.
Then slowly the contractions began to start. For the first few hours she was handling them really good.Then around 3:00 they really started getting rough and longer.
She was still handling them really well though, till about 4:00, when Elah shifted and started pushing on her tail bone.
She was in so much pain, I was doing everything I could to not break down and cry myself cause
I didn't want to see her in that much pain. But I held it together, I had to be strong so I could comfort her the best I could. The best way for her to tolerate the pains was to stand up and lean on me like we were slow dancing.
As they got stronger, she decided to try the tub.
It really didn't help all that much though, so after a while she got out and continued to lean on me.
I was beginning to get scared cause she was so exhausted from the pains that I was afraid she would pass out and hit the floor.
She then asked Dolly(The midwife) what other medications she could take to at least take the edge off.
She told her of  something they could put in her IV but for most women they would be so out of it that the contractions would feel like one long contraction instead of getting breaks in between.
Finally the back pains got so bad for her that she chose the epidural. I WAS SO RELIEVED.
It took the anesthesiologist forever to get in but they finally did.
Me and Janelle helped get her in position and we both stood in front of her. We held her still so she wouldn't move during the contractions.
She was so scared and all I could think was I did this to her. If it wasn't for me she wouldn't be in this pain.
I was on the verge of tears at this point. I had to turn my head a few time to compose myself.
Janelle started to pray over her, and I was trying to go along with her in my head but couldn't really hear what she was saying.
Finally they got the cathider in and was getting her straightened up so she could lay down.
She asked me to go to the car and get her pillow for her cause, stupid me forgot it when I went to get everything else.
I text my dad and asked if he would walk down there with me just so I would have someone to talk to.
He got the text right as I got to the elevators and here came him, my mom , and my mother in law, thinking that something was wrong. I was trying so hard to not break down, and I told them everything was ok,  and that I just wanted my dad to go to the car with me. Then they asked if she did ok with the epidural and I just gave them a thumbs up, cause at this point I couldn't even talk.
At that moment I couldn't hold it anymore and I just broke down right there in front of everyone. It hurt me so bad seeing Sarah in that much pain that I just lost it.
I finally was able to compose myself and my dad and me went to get her pillow. It was nice to get out and get some fresh air, even though it was freezing outside.
On the way back up I did my best to make it look like I hadn't been crying cause I didn't want Sarah to think I had been.
I got in the room and they had just finished with her, and she was finally resting. I stayed for a few minutes just to make sure she was ok then, I went with my Dad, and my father in law Joe to the cafeteria to get some food.
But my nerves was so shot that I couldn't eat. so we just sat and talked a bit. I went back up to the room cause I wanted to let Janelle have a breather and time to go grab her some food. Sarah was almost asleep. I couldn't tell you how good it felt to see her not in pain.
I sat in the chair beside the bed and attempted to take a small nap. But it didn't work. This was around 7:00pm
An hour past and the nurse came in to check her and to empty her bladder. When she checked her she noticed that she had had her bloody show. So she finished up and checked to see how far along she was. and to our surprise she was complete and ready to push. She got Sarah to push a few time to make sure and she said that Elah was low and that as soon as she got Dolly back up to the room she would begin pushing.
Dolly had went to supper the same time I did.
She came in and checked her and said, "Yep, your ready to push". This was at 8:00pm
Janelle asked me if I wanted to hold one of Sarah's legs up but I said," Nah, that's quite alright".
As much as my stomach was in nots and flopping I don't think I could have handled it.
Sarah only pushed for fifty-five minutes when our sweet angel was born.
 During the time she was pushing, I was afraid I would start crying when she was born. But when I saw her I was to happy and excited to cry.
They laid her on Sarah's chest and I was trying to look at her but the nurse was in the way trying to clean her off some.
When she moved my little sweet pea looked right at me..... And my heart melted.
They then took her to finish getting her cleaned up and the midwife was getting the afterbirth out and getting Sarah cleaned up. She tore only a little bit and had to have a couple stitches but was in great shape.
 I was so proud of her.
They then gave her back to Sarah and she asked if I wanted to hold her. And I did.
From the minute they put her in my arms I couldn't take my eyes off her.
I let Janelle hold her a bit and then gave her back to Sarah. Sarah was hungry cause she hadn't eat all day so I sent my parents to get her some chicken salad to make her a sandwich out of.
While Sarah ate I took our baby book that had Elahs footprints in it and showed them and the pictures to everyone.
They were so excited. I told them that after she was decent and done breast feeding they could come see her and Elah.
Sarah fed Elah and she did great, latched right on and everything. When she was done I went and got our parents. They were so excited to finally see their granddaughter. Each one took turns holding her. When my Dad held her, she grabbed his finger and would not let go, lol.
And I'm not sure, but I think when Joe held her I think I saw him get all teary eyed. I could be wrong though.
 My Mom held her and started rubbing her forehead and between her eyes like she did me when I was a baby, and put her to sleep.
Then they moved us up to the mother and baby floor. I helped her get settled and everything. Sarah's mom was gonna stay the night with her so me and Janelle could go home and get some sleep. I gave Sarah a kiss and then I walked over to the bassinet and kissed Elah on her little head and said," Bye sweet pea, I love you."
It is now two days later. I am sitting in Sarah's room finishing up this long post, and waiting for Dolly to come check Sarah so we could go home.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Time Has Come!

Lol well, I guess the whole acupressure thing worked cause about 3 hours or so after I did it Sarah's water broke.
Finally my little girl will be here TODAY!!!
Let me just say that I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I'll explain a lot more of what happened in a later post.
My next post will be when my little sweet pea is here!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Will You Just Come On Already........

Ok so Sarah's due date is this Saturday and we have been trying everything to make her go into labor.
We have tried walking.... The only thing we accomplished there was freezing ourselves to death.
We tried the Wii Fit.... And nothing happened, she only made her hips more sore than they already were.
We tried doing other things that I won't mention on here cause its private..... And it didn't work.
And tonight we tried the whole acupressure point thingy, and we are hoping that will work tonight, though I'm not getting my hopes up...
She said today she has been cramping some so I hope that means something is about to happen, either that or its just gas.
On a brighter note, the sun finally came out today and I was able to get out and shovel the sidewalk, and shovel the car out. Gotta love those snow plows piling snow up behind your car.
Me and Nanney was talking one day last week about how in some ways Sarah being due around this time was kinda like when Mary was pregnant with Jesus, and how she must have felt right before she gave birth to him. I wonder if she was like Sarah, miserable and just wanting him to come...... Then she some how got on the subject of her slipping one day and saying something that Elah might repeat. See, Nanney has a habbit of saying "Shit far" lol you gotta love her though.
I can't wait till Elah is finally here and see how close she will probably be to Nanney.
She will Probably be as close to her as I am.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

First off I just wanna say Merry Christmas! Elah is still not here, its a bummer cause I was hoping she would be here for Christmas. Anyways we had our Christmas get together at the inlaws last night and we all had a pretty good time. I just wish Sarahs grannie was there. She passed away December 26 of last year and I had gotten pretty close to her while she was up where I work. atleast shes having the best Christmas of them all up in heaven though. We got alot of nice gifts for Elah, and my Mother inlaw made her this really pretty quilt. I'll put a picture of it on this post when I get home(I'm on my break at work). After we left the inlaws we went to my parents to have our Christmas, and likewise we got alot of nice stuff for both us and Elah. But the best gift I got was a hat my parents made for me that says Elahs Daddy on it. That made my day right there.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Still Ain't Here

Well, my Dad was wrong, Elah wasn't born on the full Moon or on his birthday.
It sucks cause I was kinda hoping she would be here before Christmas but it looks like she won't be.
With my luck Sarah will probably go into labor late tomorrow night, and they are calling for us to get a bad snow storm this weekend.
At least we may have a white Christmas.
Sarah is doing ok, she is ready for Elah to come out. We have tried almost everything to make her go into labor. We went to lake tomahawk in the freezing cold the other night and walked hoping that would help get things going, and that didn't work. Now she started doing the Wii fit hoping that will do something. Oh well, I guess we'll see.

Monday, December 20, 2010

An Awesome Bible I Found

Ok, no we are not at the hospital. I was hoping this post would be from the hospital but its not and I had to post this on here.
Today we went to Asheville to get a few groceries and Sarah wanted to take some of her old school books to Mr. K's and see how much store credit she could get. We went back to the children's section and I found this children's bible. It has a bible story for every day of the year, with illustrations to go with it. So I snapped it up and we bought it.
I had to take a picture of the day that had the story of David and Goliath, not only cause its my favorite story in the bible, but because of Elahs name. David killed Goliath in the valley of Elah. So I thought I would share it with you.

The story of David and Goliath

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Night Of December 21st.

Ok, so when my Mom was pregnant with me. My Paw paw told everyone that I would be born on December 2nd. And you wanna know why he thought that? Cause there was a full moon that night. Sure enough I was born December 2nd.
That being said, my Dad is saying that Elah will be born the night of December 21, or the morning of the 22nd, because there is a full moon, a lunar eclipse, and the 22nd is his birthday.
If she is born on his birthday, he will be on cloud nine.
Anyways, the 21st is this Tuesday, that's only two days away. I hope Sarah goes into labor soon.
I want to meet my daughter, and Sarah is so tired of being pregnant. I feel bad for her cause I can tell she is miserable, and I really don't like seeing her like that.
We got out of our last childbirth class last Monday night because Sarah really didn't feel like going anywhere, and they were calling for bad weather. So we just stayed home and watched Christmas movies that night.
So guess what??? NO MORE PERKY CRAZY LADY!!!!!!!!!
Now watch, I said that and when Sarah goes into labor the crazy lady will be at the hospital, that's just my luck.
Well, I'm gonna wrap this post up, I hope that my next post will be from the hospital.

Bible Verse

Matthew 18:5- And Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea."
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Thursday, December 16, 2010


Since Sarah can go into labor anytime now, the anticipation is absolutely killing me.
I find myself now, especially when I'm trying to get to sleep and during tray line at work, just zoning out just trying to imagine what the day will be like when she enters this world.
I'm so in love with this little girl that isn't even here yet.
I told Sarah the other day that she would have to move over cause I had another girl in my life. shes like "Thanks a lot."
Anyways, I keep thinking about that moment after she is born, when its just Me, Sarah, and Elah in the room by ourselves, and how special that time will be.
And then I think about when all the family comes in to see her. No offense to all of y'all but I'm kinda dreading all the visitors cause I know we will have family members coming out of the woodwork, and I really don't want to deal with it.
I think about how nervous I will be once we get home and she starts crying or how I will do changing her diapers. I'll probably be to afraid to do anything with her right off the bat cause I'll be afraid that I'll hurt her.
I'm just ready for her to get here and we have her home so we can begin our new life as a family.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ready To Go.

The bags are packed, Sarah is 37wks and 2 days pregnant, So we are ready to go!
Sarah could go into labor anytime now. I just hope its not this week, cause its supposed to snow all week.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Worst Nightmare Ever!

Last night while I was asleep, I remember having the most terrifying nightmare I have ever had in my life.
I dreamed that Sarah had gone into labor and during the time we were at the hospital Elah was born Stillborn.
I can't even begin to describe the sadness I felt, and then I finally woke up, almost crying and then I realized it was just a dream. Thank God!
I never want to have a dream like that again.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Baby Shower #2

Today the place where I work had a baby shower for me and Sarah. We had a good time with everyone, and ate a lot of good food.
I am truly blessed to work somewhere that I enjoy working at, and to have the privilege to work with some really great people. I never expected them to go to such lengths just for me, and it really meant a lot to me.
We got a lot of nice stuff, a lot of cute little outfits, and we got these two really cool bookends that look like teddy bears. I think someone made them, though I'm not sure.
They also got us a really pretty cake.
I wish I could have taken a picture of everyone to post on here, but since they were on duty they had to keep rotating so someone would be out on the halls to look after the residents. For those of you who don't know, I work at a nursing home.
For everyone who helped put this shower together, thank you so much. You have no idea how much it meant to both Sarah, and me.

The two Bookends
The cake they got for us.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sarahs Dr. Update, And Hospital Tour

Lets start off with Sarah's Doctor visit today.
It took a little longer than usual today cause they had to do the baby stress test thing. I didn't go back for that, but afterwards Sarah told me that little miss Elah didn't stop moving the whole time.
The nurse had her lay down on her back and told her to let her know when she felt Elah move.
Sarah told the lady that she wouldn't feel her on her back and the nurse asked why. Then Sarah told her about only being able to feel her when she is laying on her side. So the nurse recorded her doing both.
First she had Sarah lay on her back for a while, and guess what....... she didn't feel a thing, but the nurse recorded Elah moving a lot. So the nurse asked her to turn on her side and sure enough, Sarah felt every bit of it. After they took her back to a room, the nurse came and got me.
This check up was pretty much the same as every other, only they did a few test on her, I forget what they called them. And they checked to see if she was dilated yet.
She is one centimeter dilated. I thought it was cool cause the Midwife said she could put a finger in her cervix and could even feel Elahs head!
The visit was really good, Elah is really healthy, Sarah is really healthy, and everything is ready to go pretty much. After this Saturday, it will only be a matter of time before she goes into labor.
I guess when God says its time, it will be time..
Sarah now has to go every week to her apointments, well, twice a week, one for her check up, and stess test, then again later in the week for a follow up stress test.

Okay, now, the hospital tour.
After we left the doctors office, we had an hour to kill so went to Target for a while and found Elah a pair of red pants for her Christmas outfit if she is born before Christmas, and we picked up a few essentials. Then we headed over to the hospital. They told us to be there AT 5:20 so of course we were early, so we sit inside for a while. It was absolutely freezing, cause every time someone walked through the doors the cold wind would blow in.
5:20 came around and no tour guide..... 5:30 came, and still no tour guide...... Finally about 5:40 or so, she showed up. And can you guess who it was?????
THE CRAZY PERKY LADY from the childbirth class AHHHHHHHHHHH!
And of course Sarah starts laughing.

Anyways she took us to the labor and delivery floor first, and showed us one of the rooms we will be in..
As she was telling us about everything that went on, the realization of this whole situation really hit me. I'm like,"Wow, this is actually happening, I'm actually gonna be a Daddy in just a few short weeks." At that point a wave of fear washed over me, then a HUGE wave of excitement hit me and washed away the fear. She then showed us the, I guess its the recovery floor. She showed us one of the rooms there also, and boy I'm not looking forward to sleeping on that wimpy couch thing.
That was our day, and it just made me more anxious and excited than I already am.
I can't wait to meet my little Elah.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Need A Happy Pill.....

We are dwindling down the last weeks of Sarah's pregnancy, and I have to say its probably been the longest weeks of the entire nine months.
I'm beginning to find myself a little more on edge now. Every little thing now is making me jump. Now I know how my Dad was feeling when my Mom was pregnant with me.
The other day Sarah called me while I was at work cause she wanted me to take her to her parents house on my lunch break. Of course I didn't know that cause I can't answer my phone at work. The first time she called, it was kinda early in the morning before the time she usually wakes up, so that kinda put me on edge, and I started thinking," What if shes gone into labor". I kept thinking that I sure hope shes not cause Elah would be premature. Then my phone started vibrating again, then my nerves really went all to pieces.
I went on my break and called her back and asked her if everything was ok and she said" Yea I'm fine, I just want to go to Moms for a while"............. Whew! what a relief.
I came home and picked her up, and on our way to her parents I told her," If you want anything besides telling me your in labor, text me next time, cause it felt like my heart jumped into my throat when you called".
And now every time she says she has a stomach ache or any kind of cramp what so ever, I jump!
She is 36 weeks today, one more week and she will be considered full term. So I could very well meet my daughter within the next few weeks, which is exciting and absolutely terrifying at the same time.