Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Resolution

So I'm sure a lot of you have either seen or at least heard of the movie Courageous. I read the book way back before it was released in theaters. It touched me in more ways than one. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.
Anyways in the movie the main character Adam Mitchell comes up with something called the resolution. It challenges all men to stand up and take responsibility for their families. Men everywhere has decided to take the resolution challenge, including me. After I read the book I decided right then that I was going to "sign" the resolution. For Christmas my wife bought me the book "The Resolution For Men". Which is kinda like the love dare but different, its kinda hard to explain.
If you are a father,or husband MAN UP! And take the challenge.
Here is the Resolution.


I DO solemnly resolve before God to take full
responsibility for myself, my wife, and my children.

I WILL love them, protect them, serve them, and teach
them the Word of God as the spiritual leader of my home.

I WILL be faithful to my wife, to love and honor her,
and be willing to lay down my life for her as
Jesus Christ did for me.

I WILL bless my children and teach them to love god with
all of their hearts, all of their minds, and all of their strength.

I WILL train them to honor authority and live responsibly.

I WILL confront evil, pursue justice, and love mercy.

I WILL pray for others and treat them with 
kindness, respect, and compassion.

I WILL work diligently to provide for the needs of my family.

I WILL forgive those who have wronged me
and reconcile with those I have wronged.

I WILL Learn from my mistakes, repent of my sins,
and walk with integrity as a man answerable to God.

I WILL seek to honor God, be faithful to His church,
obey His Word, and do His will.

I WILL courageously work with the strength God provides 
to fulfill this resolution for the rest of my life and for His glory.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15
Taken from The Resolution For Men by Alex and Stephen Kendrick.   

So will you take the challenge? I promise you it will not be easy, but it will change your life.

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